Thursday, August 19, 2010

treatment team...

i dont trust my psychiatrist i dont trust the psychologist i dont trust the dietitian in fact i hate hate the dietitian...the psychologist is nice but i cant tell her everything although she says "private n confidential" but then she also says "but if i think u said anything impt or suicidal(come on i wont everrr) then she will record it the file" and the file is for all the treatment ppl so dat means nothing i say is really p&c, how would i know which prt of what i say gets written down?!? dat means its all rubbish....
dietitian is horribbbbleee, she knows i hate her knows i dont want to see her knows i asked to change dietitian but somehow its always her...
i wish i could trust them and bare it all out to them but i cant


  1. one of the most important things of recovery is finding a treatment team that you can trust and tell the whole truth to. no one is out to get you. know that everyone is working FOR you

    i hope u find a more suitable team for you! xoxo

    ps- i've never met a nutritionist that i liked

  2. ...ha, cus they tell us to eat things when don't want rite?!?...
