Sunday, July 11, 2010

confusion there a real difference between healthy eating and eating disorderdly??...
say u order dressing on the side, there is nothing wrong w that right?...i just dont want to consume unhealthy fats and excessive that wrong?...when i visited the national health promotion board site, it encourages people to order food w less gravy, choose steamed/boil/grilled items, etc...does it mean that u have a ed if u order healthy?...if a person has/had an ed, are they never allowed to order healthy?...

in other news, i am super duper excited for 2nite's world cup finals!...its like at 2.30am and CANT WAIT. lots of peeps coming over. daddy's friends and my friends. my friends are coming at 12am cus that is the last train. then they will sleep in the hall and we will go sch2gether. and school starts at 8AM!..butbutbut, world cup once in 4 yrs!...


  1. I think its an Eating Disorder if you go overboard with things. If all of a sudden you cant order salat with regular dressing anymore. If you freak if there is a hint of fats inside your food. If there is no rational reason why you limit your food intake to one slice of a cucumber a day. Makeing healthy choices is okay. Obsessing and freaking out, is not.

  2. I agree that there is a lot of hypocricy around this issue: for example, it seems to be okay for most people to eat lightly or even skip meals before eating out at a restaurant but when the same behaviour patterns are attributed to someone with an eating disorder it suddenly becomes 'restriction' and has to be condemned. A lot of disordered behaviours have become normalized in our society and I think that's part of the problem: it's hard to know where to draw the line when 99.9% of women seem to have issues with food.
